Information - Mission Waco Youth Trip 2021

Mission Waco.png

Our youth will be partnering with Mission Waco, July 25-29th, 2021. The week will consist of students serving the community of Waco. Activities will include street camp, service projects, evangelism/serving training, and leading a devotional at My Brother’s Keeper homeless shelter.

The cost for this trip is $100. Registration forms and the Schedule/What to Bring list are available online at, or in the church office. A paper copy of the registration forms will need to be signed by you, the parent/legal guardian, and brought back to the church office.


Sunday July 11th,


  • Parent Meeting

  • ($50) Deposit Due

  • Registration Forms Due


  • Training/Preparation #1. This is necessary for all students/leaders attending this mission trip. This is where we will plan and practice our activities for the week.

Sunday July 18th


  • Training/Preparation #2

  • ($50) Final Balance Due



**For any questions or concerns, please call or email me: (214)-536-1225,**

Attached below are the Registration Forms and Schedule/What to Bring List.