2024 D-Now Information:

We will be having our annual Disciple Now (D-Now) Youth Retreat this year on April 5th-7th. This is a weekend for students to come together for fellowship, worship, preaching, Bible study, prayer, music, fun, games, and food. This year, FBCVM will be hosting the Disciple Now weekend at our church.

We will be staying overnight at host homes this year! So you will only need to drop your student(s) off Friday evening at 5:30pm and pick them up at 12:00pm Sunday @FBC Valley Mills.

The cost per student for D-Now is $50 (forms and money due April. 1st). All students 6th-12th grade are highly encouraged to attend and invite their friends!

*If there are any scheduling conflicts with school and/or extracurricular events (like a Friday night game), please let us know so we can make arrangements.

*If you have any issues with paying the $50 for your student(s) to participate in D-Now, please call or email the church office at 254-932-6273/ churchoffice@fbcvm.org. We believe every student should participate whether they have the funds or not.*

Please complete the registration form below, and then click the link at the bottom of the page to print a copy of the liability release form. We must have a physical copy of this form signed in order for your student to attend.